WIP Wednesday 06.02.19

Current WIP count: 4

It will come as no surprise to anyone that my itchy fingers got the better of me this weekend and I started another 2 projects.

The first is a hat, using a Caron cupcake that my brother bought me. I actually started this project once before, pulling from the centre of the cake as you do, but it came out like this.

When I finally noticed that I was making an accidental boob hat, I stopped and frogged it. This weekend was the first chance I got to start again, this time from the outside of the cake.

It’s turning out much better!

The other new start should make it into the history books to be remembered for all time, because I’m knitting my first ever gauge swatch!

I bought some beautiful WYS yarn last year specifically to make a jumper for myself. It’s my first knitted item of adult clothing EVER, and the yarn is just too pretty and silky soft to mess it up, so I’m determined to do everything by the book. I am aware that I could still make a right pig’s ear of it, but at least it won’t be for lack of preparation!

There has been some progress on the dragon so he now has ears, tail, and a tummy patch.

And I’ve realised why Roses for Grandma isn’t really going anywhere. The border is not an easily memorise-able pattern so it needs constant concentration and stitch counting, which really doesn’t work when I have Angel on in the background. So now I know this, I can schedule in some quiet time and give it the attention it deserves.

So it’s been a busy crafting week, and I’m enjoying having such varied projects to work on. There’s no chance of boredom setting in any time soon.

What’s everyone else crafting at this week? Any handy tips for my first knitted jumper? Let me know in the comments!


7 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday 06.02.19”

  1. your first start of the hat had me laughing!
    I was watching an episode of “Call the Midwife” the other day, and nuns were busy knitting boobs for a breast-feeding lesson lol.

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