Scrap Happy April 2024

I bought three skeins of hemp and cotton yarns from Aldi ages ago with the idea of using them to make reusable face wipes for myself. After trying out one wipe from each, I realised they really weren’t suitable for the task, and the colours didn’t exactly spark ideas for other projects (dark green, very pale green, and grey) so the leftover skeins went into stash mountain. There they remained until last week when I got a sudden urge to use them up and made a couple of shopping bags.

The first one is this pattern and I used strands from two skeins held together. 

I wasn’t totally happy with the shape for a shopping bag, so for the second one I held strands from all three skeins together and tweaked the pattern to make a wider, straight bag.

The colour change at the top of the second bag is not a design choice; the dark green ran out before I was finished so I started pulling from outside the grey skein as well as the centre to keep it at 3 strands. I think it looks deliberate enough to get away with it.

The Dimple blanket has grown a couple of rows from last time, although it’s still not long enough to keep my legs warm as I work on it.

I need to time myself because I’m fairly sure it took over 3 hours to complete one row of dimples at the weekend. If that’s true then I definitely feel less bad about how slowly this blanket is progressing!

If you want to check out some more scrappy projects, go and have a look at the other blogs joining in with Scrap Happy.

KateGun, EvaSue, Lynda, Birthe, Turid,  Susan, Cathy,  Tracy, JanMoira, Sandra,  ChrisAlys, ClaireJeanDawnGwen, Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue LVera, Ann, Dawn 2, Carol, Preeti, NóilinViv,  Karrin, Amo, AlissaLynn, Tierney  



9 thoughts on “Scrap Happy April 2024”

  1. Those could easily be three hour rows. It’s no mean feat, this project, and it’s progressing steadily!

    The shopping bags were a great idea. I like the shape of the second one, too, and I think the different coloured handle looks absolutely intentional.


  2. I like your shopping bags Hannah. The wider base looks good and if you hadn’t explained the different colour top I would have assumed it was a deliberate choice! The dimple blanket is fiddly so don’t beat yourself up about speed. It will get finished eventually and be a glorious bright blanket using up loads of little bits.


  3. I like the shopping bags too! the coloured handle does look deliberate! It is a sweet blanket already, and I like the image of you draping it over yourself to keep your legs warm while you do it! Things do just take time!


  4. Hemp is pretty scratchy I think, but makes a nice grocery bag :).

    I didn’t realize those dimples would take so long, guess that is your scrappy long term project!


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