New hobbies

My name’s Hannah and I’m addicted to new hobbies.

Last week I tried archery, and I’m so in love that I went for an extra session on Monday.


During the week my winnings arrived from Julia’s giveaway.

There are several super cute things I want to make (mainly the cat on the cover!), but I decided to start with a pretty patchwork star because it looked relatively simple. So I headed to Hobbycraft to pick up some fat quarters and had my first go at patchwork sewing

Of course I was hooked, and just had to try another one

The second definitely turned out better. There’s still room for improvement though!

While shopping for fabric, I found a tatting shuttle for £1 in the clearance section. This one is going to take a loooooot of practice, but I’m still loving it. I know how beautiful tatted pieces can be and I’m determined to reach that level one day.

The problem is I don’t stop my old hobbies to make room for the new ones; my long bank holiday weekend was a cycle of sewing, crochet, Tunisian, knitting, and tatting on repeat. With one break for archery and another for running. If I were paid for my hobbies they could be a full time job!

I clearly need to win the lottery I never play, so there’s time enough for all these pastimes. Plus the new ones I know I’m going to pick up in the future.

Does anyone have any tips on juggling all these different crafts? Or maybe new ones I could add to my repertoire (there’s no such thing as too many)? Let me know in the comments!



28 thoughts on “New hobbies”

  1. You are too funny! I try to keep things right in my head by categorizing them. Maybe think of their execution properties: is it portable or requires set up, concentration, instant gratification, fair weather, can you do it socially? Does that make sense? I have things that I only seem to knit when out with family for dinner, other projects are tv safe, while others (like quilting) need good light, set-up and dedicated space. I KNOW!!! There aren’t enough hours in a day!

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    1. I’ve given up trying to craft when I’m with other people, they always take it to mean I’m bored with them and get all offended. Because of course I use my hands to listen so I can’t possibly take in what they’re saying and crochet at the same time.
      We definitely should have longer days, or maybe 3 day weekends. Then there would be more hobby time!


  2. I love new hobbies but I know my limits:) Can you assign a day to each hobby? Maybe work on the one you’re most in the mood for? Call in sick to work one day a week and craft all day? There is no way to get it all in:(

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  3. Oh wow, great job on the stars. I’m so glad the book has already been used and useful. I look forward to seeing more projects you make… If you’re not tempted to use the time for clay pigeon shooting or something similar (that’s one I want to try at some point!) 😊

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  4. That pin cushion is so cute!? Do you sew by hand? I’ve always wanted to make a patchwork quilt, think you’ve inspired me to get sewing. Kudos to the archery, you go gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. By hand for now, but I really REALLY want a sewing machine one day. Definitely give it a go, it’s super fun! The stars only took me a couple of hours each (while watching Lucifer so they didn’t quite have my full attention all the time!)


  5. how strange, I went to a tatting class yesterday! I constantly add to my hobbies and don’t juggle them very well, i just do what I feel like, which for the last year has been house renovating. I have a tab on my blog called “crafts list” which is a list of all the crafts I can find… you might find a new hobby there!

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