WIP Wednesday 28.10.20

Current WIP count: 8

We all knew it was only a matter of time before I started another blanket, and this week I found I couldn’t resist any longer.

This is the beginning of another Beachcombing blanket. My last one was in mostly blues and greens so I decided to use my hot colours this time round. I’m not totally convinced that the dark brown (showing up as black in photos) works, but a few other people said they like it so I’m going to keep it in there.

I’m starting my temporary job tomorrow – training starts at 8am sharp! Wish me luck!



33 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday 28.10.20”

  1. GLUCK !!! – and lots of it, Hannah ! You never know what temp job could lead to: I once went as a temp to an office where I ended up staying for five years, AND it was the job of most value/worth in my whole working life !

    Liked by 1 person

      1. So true:

        Interviewer: “So, what is it about our company that makes you want to work for us?”
        Applicant: “Bed hair.”
        Interviewer: “When can you start?”

        In all seriousness, though, it really is nice. You can set things up exactly the way you like them and know that no one is going to mess with them, do little things to make yourself comfortable while being there, and if you decide you don’t like the office, you can completely make it over, which is super appealing to those of us with crafty leanings.


  2. I can’t tell you if the brown works because it looks black! But I do know you need a dark colour to give contrast in there somewhere. Good luck with the job – that wish may have to time travel backwards again!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I’m beyond saving now 😉
      It varies, as the squares are so different and use lots of different stitches. The ammonite one took me a couple of evenings and the other took a bit longer because it’s more fiddly.

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  3. Trust your instincts of using the brown in the first place as black probably would have not done as well with the warm colors. It will be another stunner and think of all the stash you’ll use up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I was never considering black, I would have just had to dig around for another warm colour if I didn’t keep the brown. But it turns out I’m just biased against brown because I don’t like the colour so it’s staying!

      Liked by 1 person

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