WIP Wednesday 18.07.18

Current WIP count: 7

Do you ever ignore that nagging little voice in your head, just to regret it later? That happened with my bunny lovey.

The head wasn’t quite as round and cute as I planned, but I told myself I could make it work, it would look better when it was stuffed, blah blah and so I carried on. I wanted it to be a ripple blanket, but somehow I couldn’t make the maths work and I ended up with a 5-pointed star blanket.

It wasn’t terrible, and I’m sure my friend would have loved it however it turned out, but I got more and more dissatisfied every time I worked on it. Eventually I got to this point:

And couldn’t do it any more. I frogged the whole lot and started again.

It was frustrating, and my wrist wasn’t too happy at having to do all that tiny tight amigurumi all over again, but now I’m so much happier with it and I can’t wait to hand it over to my friend.

Now the main part is finished, I’ve made the ears and the plug for the base of the head, and all that’s left to do is give it a cute face and sew everything together. I should be done this week.

Progress was much smoother with the bootees. They’re now done, aside from sewing the buttons on. I guess I’ll need a button sewing session one day this week to get these and the dragon scale pair finished.

I gave them cream soles to match the border on the lovey, and a beige trim to match the inner part of bunny’s ears. I want it to be suuuuper obvious that these are a matching set

The long weekend meant I did get to work on my wee dragon, but I hit a couple of snags. The first is that I ran out of the main colour when I was halfway through a piece. I improvised a little and switched in the yellow from the wing pieces. Now the large horns will be green and yellow, and the little horns will be all yellow.

My next problem is the wings.

Do they look like wings to you? Because they don’t look like wings to me. They’re double layered and I had to make the stupid things seven times just to get four the same shape, and they still don’t work.

Not sure what the problem is but I know I’m not using these. Maybe I’ll just admit defeat and bin the wings – make him a drake rather than a dragon and hope nobody notices.

So that’s been my somewhat frustrating week. How’s everyone else doing? Is your work going smoothly? Let me know in the comments!



4 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday 18.07.18”

  1. I love the green and yellow together, very dragon looking. Don’t throw out the wings yet; they look pretty good to me and you might be happier once the are on the dragon’s back. Your lovey is going to be super cute.

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  2. What cool projects, Hannah! Kudos to you for following your instinct and frogging. 9 times out of 10, if a project doesn’t feel right, I lose my nerve anyhow and regret putting in the extra time only to frog later in the process. It sounds like the lovey is well on its way! The bunny lovey and booties make a great pair. So adorable!

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  3. I’ve been there, trying to get pieces to match over and over. Totally frustrating. Having said that, they look good to me. But if you had something else in mind, I can see why you don’t like them. I had that same problem with my Charizard wings. I just couldn’t get them right. But in the end, I was being too critical as they would have looked like wings even when I thought they were bad. Those little yellow ones of yours look cute and I think they’ll work great but you could try again until you’re satisfied and use those for something else.

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