WIP Wednesday 04.01.23


I got into a rhythm and forgot to try it on, so I’m just sticking with this size. If it doesn’t fit I’ll give it away, and if I run out of yarn then I’ll just have to buy more and that’s never a hardship.

Teddy ear bonnet

I have absolutely no concept of how big babies are. I made this bonnet once and the Fiancé suggested it might be a bit too small, so I frogged it and I’m now making a larger size with a larger hook. Hopefully it will end up a wearable size.

Hedgehog 2

I’m determined to get this hedgehog finished by the end of next week. I wasn’t too pleased with the first one so I’ll see what I can do to make this one look a little cuter.

Advent socks

These were not finished for Hogmanay, obviously. It’s a bit hard to tell with no heel in yet but I think they might need an extra stripe added on to fit my Hobbit feet, so I need to decide which stripe to repeat.

Rainbow socks

These still need their afterthought heels. I can’t seem to get over the fear of cutting into my knitting – it just feels so wrong!

Black + yellow socks


After a good long stint in the naughty corner, I’m ready to face these again. Not only was my tension way off on the second sock, I’d also missed a decrease round after the heel turn so there was a whole extra motif in there. I’ve frogged it right back to the heel so I can fix the mistake and hopefully by the time I get back to the colourwork I shall be nice and relaxed again.



The Sock Update

I really thought that having a job 6 minutes away from home would leave me sooo much more time for blogging. But here I am heading toward my 9-month review and I haven’t posted a single word for months. Shame.

Of course I’ve still been crafting; it’s just getting the mojo to blog about it that seems to be the problem. It doesn’t help that this job is causing me constant, massive anxiety, but that’s a story for another day.

I’m still addicted to sock knitting so that’s mostly what I’ve been making. I use a Franken-pattern of 76 stitches, as many 1×1 ribbed rows as I can be bothered with, an integrated heel from this Basic Sock pattern, and a rounded toe from Rose City Rollers. They fit my Hobbit feet really well so I always stick to that, with one exception.   During Pride month, two self-striping rainbow sock yarn skeins fell into my stash (completely by accident!) and I really wanted to keep the stripes even down the whole sock, so I decided to have a go at my first afterthought heel.   I’m off work this week so hopefully I’ll have enough free brain space to get them done.


Before I disappeared, I was plugging away at some colourwork socks that I thought were going really well. Then I lay the two socks next to each other.


Sock 1 was completed when I had a job all lined up with two weeks of freedom before my first day. Sock 2 was started when that job fell through and I was back on the hunt again. Stress really does affect my gauge.  I also realised I was going to run out of yellow yarn before the end of the second toe, so I’ve frogged both of them back a bit ready to do a black toe rather than yellow. I shall try thinking lots of calm thoughts when I attempt the colourwork section again.

 And here are all the socks I’ve finished since my last Sock it to me Monday post:

20221103_1237274890148407908115931I think this was a skein from Emma at Puddleside Musings , but don’t quote me on that. The colours reminded me of Irn Bru, which is the Fiancé’s favourite drink so I gave the socks to him.


20221103_1213044738378915358715452This was one of the first hand-dyed skeins I ever got. Because I’d never worked with a skein like that before, my attempt to cake it was horrendous and I ended up having to cut it and re-join several times (also not pretty). They’re so scruffy I’m just going to keep them for myself.


20221103_1155188009722955569593664I got an email from a yarn shop (I forget which one) that mentioned Onion Nettle sock yarn. I instantly imagined smelly, prickly socks so I just had to take a closer look. Turns out Onion is the brand name, and obviously they don’t put the stinging part of nettles into the yarn; it just gives the strength that usually comes from nylon and such. Two balls of the most beautiful purple just fell into my basket so I had to buy them.  I’m still deciding whether I will keep these or give them to the Fiancé. It’s so handy that we have the same size feet!

