Blocking magic

You may remember from aaaages ago that I finished my Whimsy Cowl and it was in need of blocking.


Lookit those wibbly wobbly edges, just dying to curl up into a yarny burrito.

Well I dithered for a long time, having never blocked 100% alpaca before and knowing how fragile it can be. I was also worried about blocking it doubled up, in case I couldn’t pin the two layers properly or the bottom layer didn’t get chance to dry and I ended up spoiling it.

But then I had a thought: my blocking mats lock together like jigsaw pieces, so I could make a 3D shape with them and they should hold it.

Turns out I was right!

I pinned out my cowl and sprayed it with water til it was properly wet, then left it for a few days to dry out.

And this is the final result:


The top before and after
The bottom before and after

I love how the spaces have opened up, and how neat the edges are now. It’s just magic.

I’m almost looking forward to winter so I can wear it! Almost…



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