FO Friday 19.01.18

I have a friend who loves dragonflies, so I made her one, using this pattern right here.

It’s not perfect, but it definitely is a dragonfly so I’ll take it! Sadly I didn’t get to see her in person before Christmas so I stuck it in the post.

This week I also finished up the virus shawl for another friend. It’s a wee bit smaller than mine, but I hope it will still be loved. I’m pretty excited about handing it over!

So that’s been my crafty week, how’s your week been? Got any FOs to share? Let me know in the comments!



WIP Wednesday 10.01.18

Current WIP count: 6

I’m still plugging away at my swirl hat, and I looooove the way the colours are coming out.

Isn’t it pretty! There’s another stripe of green and yellow coming up and I’m excited to get it in there. I know, simple things 😉

I’ve also started another virus shawl with my sparkly blue yarn.

It’s really interesting repeating a pattern after several months have passed. I made my first virus shawl back in July last year and I didn’t exactly struggle with it, but there were several points where I wasn’t entirely sure of myself.

There were times I wasn’t sure which stitch I should be working into so I had to count them, for every single repeat of every single row. I had to keep the chart near me at all times so I could check what I was doing every 5 minutes. No wonder it took me so long!


Fast forward to today, and I’m wondering how I ever struggled. It seems glaringly obvious which stitch I’m supposed to be working, and I’m racing along with barely a glance at the chart.   It’s great to have actual proof that I’m improving!


This one has a deadline so I’ll be focussing on it until it’s finished, and then I’ll get on with finishing my swirl hat (and everything else on my WIP list. Ahem).

That’s what I’m working on this week! How’s your week going? Got some WIPs to share? Let me know in the comments!



Still here

Hi there *waves*. Despite appearances, I am still here!  A lot of rubbish, Life stuff has been going on, which took my blogging mojo away.

Thankfully my crojo has been unimpeded, and I’ve even managed some tangling as well:

I finished my virus shawl


It’s meant to be for the shop, but I’ve kind of fallen in love with it…

I made a card for Kelleys DIY giveaway.


I realised I’ve done this star wrong. Again.

I had to go all the way back to the green bit in the centre! Now I’m back out to the pink and so far it’s still behaving itself. 

I also made a start on a couple of ideas I’ve had:


Can you tell what it is yet?
I’m taking steps to sort all this Life stuff out, and hopefully I’ll be back to blogging as normal soon 🙂

