FO Friday 18.08.17

I’m slowly but surely knocking some entries off my WIP list!

The star garland for my sister is finished, and all packed up ready to be posted. It’s wrapped in cellophane and really difficult to photograph, so no photos I’m afraid! Hopefully there will be some when it’s hung up in its new home. 

I managed to finish my tabby cat Lost In Time scarf at last.  I mean, there are a few ends that could do with sewing in, but it’s only for me so I’m counting it as done anyway. 

You may remember I was hoping to finish on a popcorn row. Well the yarn ran out on the row after a popcorn row, which I was initially miffed about. But looking at the finished item I can see it’s actually perfect.

The Scottish summer being what it is, I can start wearing this immediately. It’s so comfy.

And this peculiar lump is my first attempt at the granny square gift bag:

It’s just a prototype so there are lots of mistakes and I couldn’t be bothered sewing any ends in (are you noticing a theme?), but it’s a starting point.  

I can see that my idea will work, which is the most important point. Now it just needs tidying up a bit!

I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere with all my projects at last 🙂

Who else has an FO to share? I’ve seen some gorgeous FOs on other people’s blogs. Any thoughts on the granny gift bag? Let me know in the comments! 



WIP Wednesday 09.08.17

Current WIP count: 10

Just a short one today, as I only had time to work on my Lost In Time scarf last week.

I’ve only got this much yarn left now

So I made a start on the border from the pattern, but I got halfway in and realised that I actually didn’t like it. At all. So I frogged that back and now I’m just continuing with the main pattern until my yarn runs out.

I’m hoping it’ll finish on a popcorn row, although it’s such a beautiful pattern it could stop anywhere and still be good.

So, barring any major disasters, this should be ready in time for a FO Friday post.

Oh I also whacked out a really quick star garland as a gift. It’s in serious need of blocking (currently looks like a string of deid spiders), but after that it will be good to go! Yes, this counts as a new WIP. I have no will power…

What’s everyone else working on? Am I the only person incapable of sticking to patterns? Let me know in the comments!



New stitches: popcorn stitch

The popcorn stitch seemed a bit scary to me. I’d read the how-to description in a few patterns, but I just couldn’t visualise what I was supposed to do.

Luckily I dived into the Lost In Time shawl without reading the whole pattern first, so I was already fully committed by the time I got to the line ‘1 popcorn stitch in each dc’. Also luckily, this pattern came with photos alongside the how-to, so I was able to make my first popcorn at last.

As with most things, I’m really not sure why I was worried  – it’s so simple and looks really good!

You just place 4 stitches into one stitch 

Remove your hook

Go through the top of the first stitch in the cluster of 4

then pick up the loop you dropped

And pull it through


Here’s my first ever row of popcorns.

I’m assuming they will pop more as I go on and get more comfortable with the stitch, but this shawl is for myself so I’m not frogging back just to make it ‘perfect’. It might actually be fun to keep it as a record of my progress!

Have you used the popcorn stitch before? Any tips for making it more pop-y? Let me know in the comments!



WIP Wednesday 26.07.17

Current WIP count: 10

I’m weak! With only 3 things crossed off my WIP list, I started another one.

But really, how could I resist this gorgeous tabby cat yarn from Mothy and the Squid?

Especially after I managed to turn it into a rather presentable cake.


To understand how proud I am of this little ball, here’s the last skein I tried to turn into a cake.


It took me 10 days to sort the mess I made.

So this beautiful yarn was sitting on the table, staring at me, when I came across the Lost In Time shawl pattern. It was an intsant yes! This is what I have so far and already I love it:


As for my other WIPs, I’ve done more rounds on the star blanket, and now I’m trying to decide whether I really want to use a whole second Caron Cake on it. I’m beginning to think not. Maybe I could use the rest to make various matching accessories. We’ll see.

Still behaving.

Side note: working on a sock yarn and an aran yarn project at the same time is a strange experience. It always feels like I’m either working with cobwebs or nautical rope.

There’s been a little progress on the doily; somewhat stalled because I’m really not sure about the colours I’ve chosen. I’m waiting for the requester to get back to me and let me know if it’s okay.


I also tried attaching two wheels to the camper van, but they’re wonky. I have yet to face removing them and trying again.
Curse these wheels.

The two kindle cosies are on the blocking mats and I’ll sew them up once they’re dry.

So we’re still in double figures for my WIP list, but I have to admit I’m not sorry at all!

What are you working on this week? Started any irresistible WIPs? Let me know in the comments!

